During the XXV Brazilian Congress of Ufology, Senator Eduardo Girão announced an official hearing to openly discuss the UFO phenomenon.

Scheduled for June 24, on the 75th anniversary of World Ufology Day, the audience will have 170 free seats for the public.

Such an event is unprecedented in the world, and will register a historic milestone in Brazil.

On June 24, the senators will hold a public hearing on unidentified flying objects in Brazil. This is a special session requested by Senator Eduardo Girão (Podemos-CE). The event will take place on the 75th anniversary of the World Day of Ufology and should bring together experts on the subject.

In the request for the event, Girão cited a report released last year by the Pentagon on the subject. The paperwork served for a hearing in the US House of Representatives on May 17, in which US defense officials discussed the existence of UFOs.

Approved on March 16, Girão’s request has the signature of other congressmen: Eliziane Gama, Alessandro Vieira, Izalci Lucas, Jorge Kajuru, Marcos do Val, Paulo Rocha and Reguffe.

On the weekend after the application was approved, Girão was present at the XXV Brazilian Congress of Ufology, which took place between March 18 and 20, in Curitiba.

The public hearing on UFOs in Brazil should take place at 10 am local time.

The event is being coordinated by Ademar Gevaerd who is the ICER’s Deputy Continental Director for South America, and will have the special participation of Gary Heseltine who is ICER’s Vice-President, and also Captain Robert Salas.

A pre-recorded statement by Luis Elizondo will be shown.

Original info: https://ufo.com.br/noticias/senado-brasileiro-e-o-primeiro-do-mundo-a-discutir-ufos-a-portas-abertas.html